Sunday, May 31, 2009

What it takes to make a new religion

When reading the the chapters on the Bahai, I realized that "creating" a new religion goes beyond believing in a higher power. The chapter outlines a number of aesthetics that are essential in organizing and maintaining a religious sect.

One of these aspects involves history. In order for a religion to hold legitimacy, the origin of the religion must be present. For example, the reading describes the story of Baha'ulla and his journey over present day Iran, Iraq, and other middle eastern countries and the influence of Islam on the Bahai people.

The community aspect is another large component of creating a religion. The "chosen" people of a faith also play to the legitimacy of the religion. Having followers of a faith from the culture is essential in influencing other to possibly join and follow the newly created faith.

These are only two of the many aesthetics needed to create a religion. When reading the Bahai text I was very interested in the story of Baha'ullah and the branching off from Islam. When I say branching off, I mean taking most of the Islamic tendencies and traditions, but using them in different ways. Throughout religious studies I have begun to notice a particular trends when it comes to different relgions. Most religions are based off of the same historical figures and facts that have happened. It is people's own interpretations which have caused the "differences" in seperate faiths. Some examples include the Shiites and Sunnis in Islam, not to mention all the different sects of Christianity...point proven.

1 comment:

  1. :-)

    "changeless faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future"
