There are many symbols that we discussed in class that were evidently present in the video. The one main group of symbols were the colors. Red, Green, Black, and Yellow were all visually present in the Bobo camp. Rastafarian followers decorated their homes with these colors. It was quite a stunning image when I watched this video. Also the clothing that the Rastafarian people wore also bared these symbolic colors. Both men and women represented with this religion by the articles of clothing they wore. For example, I noticed men wearing a lot of red head raps, especially the designated "tribe leaders".
After watching the video I was very surprised by the amount of insight and research every member that was interviewed had on their culture. Every Rastafarian in the video really seemed to internalize their faith and believe whole heartedly in their ideals. After watching and listening to Bob Marley's music I was surprised at how relevant Bob Marley's music was to the Rastafarian culture.
Here's a link to the rastafarian website!!! pretty cool stuff
interesting site, especially the q&a section where one person asks if it's okay to be a white rasta and is told that rasta only cares about the state of his heart.