Thursday, April 30, 2009

On Christian Teaching

On Christian Teaching does give some insight on how to read the Psalms. I believe St. Augustine would be upset with how we have been interpreting the Psalms. St. Augustine suggests that in order to fully understand the true meaning of Christianity, one must look at Christian history from beginning to end. In other words, we cannot read the Psalms and only the Psalms and expect to gain any truth from God's words. One must look at the Psalms in context of the entire Bible in order to fully understand the meaning of the Bible.
In a way St. Augustine is right. It's really hard to micro manage one part of the Bible without considering the context. However, asking people to memorize the Bible is pretty ridiculous. I'm way to busy to even consider that task. I don't think people need to memorize the Bible in order to gain it's worth, but I do agree, however, that while reading people should consider the context in which it was written. Also, one should be aware that interpretation of one person may be different than another persons.

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